Cider Mystery Box (Up to $50 Off)

Cider Mystery Box (Up to $50 Off)
For those looking for an excellent deal this shopping season, here's your (Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, Cyber Monday) deal, here's your discounted cider fix!
You choice of one of the following discount boxes:
- 12 Ciders, $50 Off. Six large format (750 mL) and six small format (500 mL).
- 6 large format Ciders, $25 Off. (All 750 mL).
- 6 small format Ciders, $15 Off. (All 500 mL).
Plus the shipping is discounted 25% on these boxes.
What's inside? It's a mystery! A delicious one. Mostly on the dry to semi-dry side, a fun mix of ciders from all over the map. There's a few recent award winners, some fun single varietals, a perry, a red-flesh cider, a pet nat, and more. This is a far cry from a bargain box of discounted products that we need to get rid of, quite the opposite. Often when we place relatively large orders for one of our cider clubs, or from one of our favorite cideries from around the country - we have to buy quite a bit to justify getting it shipped to us. So it's more like an overstock sale on stuff we have really enjoyed :)
Notes: If you have strong preferences on flavor styles you do not want included, please make comment of that at checkout. One of the small format bottles is actually a small 12 ounce bottle + a 12 ounce can from the same cidery, so you're really getting 7 or 13 ciders.
- Shipping available across U.S.