Ross-on-Wye Cider & Perry Co. (Herefordshire, UK)

About Ross-on-Wye Cider & Perry: named after the small town in Herefordshire in which they're located, Ross-on-Wye has been growing apples & pears since their family moved to their farm in 1930. The county of Herefordshire is located about 3 hours west of London, is one of the most rural areas of the UK, and is home to most of the cider & perry fruit grown in England. The Johnson family makes a range of single-variety cider & perry products each year as well as several fine blends, mostly with fruit grown on one if their own orchards. The cidermaking process is pure and simple, using only whole juice, and allowing natural fermentation. A trip to their pub & cider barn at the Yew Tree Inn should be near the top of any cider enthusiast's bucket list, where one can taste from more than 60 small batch cider offerings between their single-varietals, blends, and multiple vintages of cider & perry.
For more on Ross-on-Wye, visit their website, check out this great write-up from Cider-Review, or tune-in to their podcast episode of Chider Chat.